* B A B Y girl =D

Sunday, June 27

projects are killer!
especially MARKETING!
sucks to the max!

i just cant wait for tmr to end!
means two projects and one presentation down!
just cant wait, cant wait, cant wait!

freaking busy recently
and have super little time for sleep!
i bet my stress level will be super high!

going to tahan for another one month and two weeks till my next break! hahah!
i want holidays to come quickly!
cant tahan any longer!
more tests are coming up too! :(

thr's just so many things to do after mon.
tests and assignments!
can i ask for 7aug to come soon?
lik in a blink?

and now, i'm just waiting for the time reach 6.50 for me to close shop!
the time jus pass so slowly tht make me feel lik sleeping!
i just wanna rush home and continue my projects!
and mum is cooking dinner for me. :)

cont to wait..........

* BABYgirl 5:47 PM

Friday, June 11

9days left to the end of the holidays.
and i haven started doing any work.
this is really bad.
i'm gonna start to complete the pile of work.
clearing as much as possible before sch start.

thr goes my To do List:
1. GoVenture
2. APEL Service Reflection
3. TTO Fieldtrip worksheet
4. Consolidate Marketing Project
5. Consolidate BESE Project
6. BOE Individual Business Idea Proposal
7. TTO Fieldtrip Part 2
8. TTO Project Part 2
9. BESE Individual Portfolio
10. BESE Dining Task

thr's just too many things to do with so little time.
and i completed personal taste last night.
super nice!! hahahs. =D
not going to start any show agn until i complete all my work.

bye. off to cya now. =)

* BABYgirl 4:11 PM