* B A B Y girl =D

Friday, January 22

it's friday agn.
so my to do list is out agn.

To do List:
1. Micro final editing
2. Micro powerpoint slides
3. Micro presentation script
4. edit Jap script + edit cultural elements
5. Memorise Jap script
6. Study for Jap class test 2
7. Study for mock summative test
8. edit Socio powerpoint slides
9. BCS research.

Long list of work to complete.
i need a few days of sleep,
but i dun have the time for tht.

feeling great tht i have 2 presentation down & 2 assignment down this week.
cs role play, ob presentation, cs journal cum evaluation and socio essay is over.
It has lessen my pile of work.

shall cont.
soon in about a month,
everything will be over.
looking forward to 24 Feb.

* BABYgirl 10:43 PM

Monday, January 18

today, lesson was at 4-6pm. it's micro lecture.
but i suppose to be in sch at 9am for ob meeting.
guess wad.
i only woke up at 8am as i slept at 3am last night.

reached sch at 10am.
had ob presentation role play done up.
practiced. damn funny.
i think we will look damn funny during the role play.
be prepared.

had sociology presentation practice at 12.30-1pm.
was great too.

left for belle hse at 1plus.
went opposite sch to buy food first.
off to buy cake and present with hx to give pat a belated bdae surprise.
cab to belle's hse as it's raining.

surprise for pat.
had cs presentation script editing.
and anna went off for micro lec.
we all skipped.
done some work and started playing at 5plus.
when anna came back at 7,
we practiced our cs role play.
it's great.
cant wait for all these presentation to be over.

and holiday will be coming soon.
have to get my sleep during holidays.

got to continue with my work.
got 2 presentations,
1 trial presentation,
and 2 assignment to submit.

* BABYgirl 11:56 PM

Sunday, January 17

ytd after work, I went to bugis to meet my bf and his family.
had dinner tgt and walk ard for awhile.
bought a leather couple braclet at BHG.
reached home abt 10pm.

chiong my to do list item and slept at ONLY 5AM.
damn good eh.
super tired.
and you can see, I have striked out 5 items in my to do list.
and another two items have completed halfway thru.
this is good.

To Do List:
1. CS role play script
2. Sociology ppt slides - to finalise
3. Sociology presentation script
4. Geog travel & tourism research (proj 2)
5. Sociology individual short essay
6. BCS tutorial week 12 work
7. CS2 reflection journal
8. OB ppt slides
9. OB presentation script

going to continue now
and shall strike all out in no time. hahs.
Jiayous everyone.

* BABYgirl 12:43 PM

Friday, January 15


once agn, thr will be a long list of to do list for this week.

1. CS role play script - to be completed
2. Sociology ppt slides - to finalise
3. Sociology presentation script
4. Geog travel & tourism research (proj 2)
5. Sociology individual short essay
6. BCS tutorial week 12 work
7. CS2 reflection journal
8. OB ppt slides
9. OB presentation script

can you see??
damn lots of things i must complete by sun.
and i'm working tmr.
sun night got cya.
will try to rush everything by tonight and tmr night.
this is holy shit.

HOLIDAYS, I'm waiting for your arrival. =D
this motivates me to complete all my work.

having a heavy brain right now.
cause by lacking of sleep.
how to get enough sleep whn i always sleep between 12plus-4plus??
and wake up early in the morning??
since term break until now.

body will complain soon.

* BABYgirl 11:12 PM

Sunday, January 10

My to do list is getting lesser and lesser.
tht's great.
spend lots of time doing it. lol.

To do list:
1. Jap script in the template given
2. CS business doc (jus need to finalise role play thn can continue)
3. Socio grp proj part
4. Geog blog critique
5. edit econs aritcles
6. edit OB proj
7. Socio individual short essay (500-700words)
8. Socio SDL work

all did u realise all left with sociology work only??
dun ask me why.
it jus happen to be this way.

i didnt go by the order.
i jus complete those easy one.
except geog blog critique cos it need to hand in by mon.
and tmr i got no time to do cos i'm working.
so die die i completed today.
and it's a killer okay.
and u must have guess which one i will do last.
it's none other than socio IND SHORT ESSAY!!
tht's the worse one for me.

and since the term start,
i have been sleeping the earliest 12plus am.
the latest lik 4.30am??
due to the amount of work i need to complete each day.
how great is sch life eh?
and my dark circle is getting more obvious.
tht's not a very good thing.

and although the work is getting lesser now
but the start of next week, it's piling up agn.
cos need to complete other work.
whn sth is completed, thr's sure another coming up.
so to prevent it from piling and killing me,
i have been clearing all the work tht need to complete by tht week.
will try not to drag it any further.
if not, i will be the one dying. lol.

and despite all the work,
i have time to go out with baby.
meet him at 1pm and reached home lik 9pm.
hahas. will neva forget him even if i got work to do.
time management is impt
and essential for me.

catch n
'it's complicated' sneak preview at shaw house.
it's damn nice and funny.
and we walked ard orchard and had dinner.
then home sweet home.
first thing whn i'm home is to rush my work.

think i going to continue to finish more before my eyes die on me.
jiayous jo!!
jiayous hx!!
jiayous belle!!
jiayous maine!!
all the late night ppl i have mentioned, jiayous.
the 4 of us always sleep damn late just to complete work.
it's not fun at all.
of cos all the crapping at msn help us to stay awake.
jiayous ppl.

and of cos not forgetting this:

hahas. of cos i wont have mine. =D

* BABYgirl 2:03 AM

Saturday, January 9

ohh and. ytd after bcs lec,
we discussed our geog and bcs a bit.
spilt job for geog proj.

ard 4, me, belle, hx and pat
went off to tamp mall
to catch alvin and the chipmunks 2.
maine went for public speaking consultation
and went home.
she dun wan to watch tht show.

the show was super nice. hahas.
we went to have pastamania for dinner.
chatted and laughed.
was great hanging out with this clique of mine.
love them all including maine.
a bunch of ppl i wont forget.

now, i have finally completed my jap proj
and a bit of my cs.
jus left with meeting up with my grpmates for cs,
to finalise the role play script so tht i can cont my cs doc.
tmr shall wake up early and do some work before i head out.
nights ppl.
off to bed.
phone blogged.

* BABYgirl 2:15 AM

Friday, January 8

slept at 2.30am last night.
was doing my jap script and ob tutorial.
woke up lik 7am this morning and prepare for school.
was feeling so giddy in the bus whn it was ard ikea ard.
i tell u, i almost fainted.
so before i collaspe, i ask a guy to let me sit down before i faint.
so i was resting till the bus reach tamp int.
i alighted the bus and find somewhr to sit.
waited for hx.
whn she reached, i told her i'm going home.
too sick. scare ltr i faint. lol.

and i took cab home.
reached home ard 9.10am and off to rest.
guess wad, i only woke up at 4.30pm.
great eh. was too sick and tired. so i slept damn long.
and i woke up with a bloody headache.
sis packed food for me.

and sry to maine, belle, hx and pat.
i wasn't able to help in the bcs draft.
was too sick to go sch in the morning.

now, i've jus sent my sensei the last part for translation.
and i'm going to put all into the template. =(

To do list:
1. Jap script in the template given
2. CS business doc
3. Socio grp proj part
4. Geog blog critique
5. edit econs aritcles
6. edit OB proj
7. Socio individual short essay
8. Socio SDL work

tht's the list of things i need to complete by this week. =D
back to work.
bye. =D

* BABYgirl 7:15 PM

Wednesday, January 6

super tired!!
have been sleeping very late recently.
but i'm happy tht i do my work everyday.
it lessen my burden.

jus lik today,
i did cs work for tmr lesson
and consolidate my jap proj role play script for jap version.
i'm super happy tht i'm being able to lighten my work burden everyday.
hahas. great.

and today i have given my econs articles for checking.
both was okay.
jus for one, i can add more lik including prefect competition topic.
and i jus need to edit my conclusion cos i haven finish tht part.
i will be putting it aside whn i complete tht lik this week. hahas.

got to sleep now.
damn tired.
eyes closing.
so i have to stop blogging and sleep.
once agn, i'm lying on my bed in the dark blogging with my phone.
belle, i'm not lazy.
jus tht i dun need to wait for my laptop to shut down.
i can jus off my wifi from my phone and off to bed.

tmr will be a long day for me.
have proj meeting with socio grpmates,
den cs lesson,
den go airport for cya duty.
guess tmr night i wont be doing work.
as usual for every wed night cos too tired after duty.

ends here.
bye =D

* BABYgirl 12:57 AM

Tuesday, January 5

today had cs grp meeting before econs lec.
we have done quite alot.
tht's a good part. =D

went to baby's hse for dinner.
watched tv awhile and i fallen asleep.
too tired.
woke up lik half an hour ltr and cont watching tv with baby.
after tht home sweet home.

and i jus completed my jap search and some translations for tmr meeting.
and did one question for econs tutorial tmr.
feeling tired so i'm going to bed now.
shall cont my econs tutorial work on the way to sch.
hahas. i'm so happy tht i have completed my work within my time planned.
tht's good.
i feel better seeing the items in my to do list in the organiser being strike out one by one.
but thr's still alot more to complete.
at least i know tht i'm able to complete on time with my help of my organiser. hahas.

okay. i'm done blogging.
going to bed now.
if nt i'll be late for class tmr.

btw, i'm blogging with my phone while lying on the bed. hahas. can sleep immediately.
nights everyone.

* BABYgirl 1:34 AM

Monday, January 4

went to belle's hse in the afternoon to edit ob proj.
i can say we are almost done.
jus need to check with mrs tong here and thr.

left her hse abt 5pm
and headed back to yishun to meet baby.
we went to have a swim.
i dunno how to swim.
the last time i swim was lik pri 3.
and i didnt attend the swimming class in sec 1.
so i haven forgotten how to swim.
dunno ask me how i forgot.
i also dunno.
but i did enjoy my day.
cos baby teach me how to swim

after swimming, we went to have our dinner.
and home sweet home.

reached home and i completed my econs articles after tht.
consolidated my grp econs artciles.
and watched ep14 of autumn concerto.
thumbs up.
hahas. and it's so late now.
got to rest.

* BABYgirl 4:15 AM

Friday, January 1

HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone!!

2009 was a great year.
got a good set of o level results
and got into a good course tht i lik.
isnt this great? hahas.
had a maintain a good r/s with my baby too.
made new frens.
i love my bunch of new frens.
thanks to hx, belle, maine, pat & anna.
now we have sent off 2009,
and welcome 2010.
hahas. =D

2010 resolution
it's a secret. hahas. =D

and i got back three results for my tests.
microeconomics, sociology and ob.
although i neva fail any modules,
micro was average.
sociology was good.
ob was not very good.

shall work harder for projects and finals.
i know i didnt study much for ob. hahas.

anyway, ths's in 2009.
now is 2010.

to do list:
1. OB articles
2. Jap script- finalise for the eng version
3. Micro two articles
4. Micro grp proj research
5. Jap script- jap version
6. Geog blog critique
7. Sociology individual essay

things tht need to start soon:
1. Sociology grp proj
2. BCS grp proj
3. Geog grp project 2

see. thr's so many things to do.
oh my goodness.
bye for now.
need to complete at the first two items on my to do list today.

* BABYgirl 12:21 PM