* B A B Y girl =D

Monday, August 31

back to yt for teacher's day celebration. pj have exam so she didnt go down. wish her luck for her exam. =P photos session time:

nicole, joanna, amelia & angela.

me with nic.

amelia & i.

genia, me & nic.

cheryl, sara, me, nic, ame, genia, angela.
short of sy and cy. the group of gals back at yt. =P


Qi wei!! my physics partner. i'll neva forget!! =)

have tuition at night. hahas. home sweet home after back to yt.

* BABYgirl 3:47 PM

Sunday, August 30

worked at natas fair on 28th and 29th august for OCBC. and on the 30th, i was send to tampines to replace sharon to give out UOB flyers. hahas. natas fair was fun. we watched the performance while giving flyers thr. hahas. photos session:

our day 1 lunch at 2plus. delicious food from food fair.

pat, penguin & me.

2nd day

pat is so tiny beside the star.

i'm so tiny beside the star.

the star is so BIG!!

drawn on spot.

working for uob.

* BABYgirl 11:35 PM

Wednesday, August 26

did sth clumsy today.
after fnb exam, hx, pat anna and i sat out lecture 21.
went to buy cup noodles to eat.
i was planning to study iht and eat at the same time.

i place my jacket on my lap,
i on Mp3,
i open iht lecture notes,
i hold cup noodles in my hand.
how busy i am eh.
tat's multi-tasking.

but but BUT.....
went i wanted to place the noodles down,
i didnt watch whr i was placing it and
i actually placed on the curve edge of the table.
and HAPPY NY!!
it pour onto my thighs. CRAP!!

my top, my jacket,
pat's notes(kana the most out of the 3 of our notes),
anna's notes, mine note, one side of my ear piece
AND my thigh and legs!! HOLY!!
my thigh was red immediately!!
now it's not red but still burned.
i can the mark thr.
gosh!! i dun wan a scar!!
scar pls go away from me. hahas.

wht a NICE day i got!!

so ppl. whn u read this, pls dun laugh.
it super evil.
hahas. my frens luagh and shock at the same time.
i was laughing too but feel the pain on my thigh at the same time.
and my feet are lik covered with the soup.

went toilet to wash and i was holding anna while walking thr.
to slippery due to the soup tat's oily. lol.
and went to buy another cup noodles.


and during iht exam,
i can smell the chilli crap smell on my shirt.
lol. so smelly!! =X

okay. i need to go study for my last paper.
bye peeps.

* BABYgirl 6:45 PM

Monday, August 17


i got an A for IHT coursework!! Great JOB.
after all, my hardwork really paid off.
course work 1 A, 1 B+, 1 B, 1 C+ and 1 D.

now, it's time to rush for finals.
went out to study and i didnt complete much.
shit!! and time is running out.
first paper is on coming FRIDAY!! gosh~!

time check now is 1.19am. crap.
i shall catch so sleep.
if not baby is going to laugh at my dark circles agn!!

disappointed once agn. trust?? it's always a lie.

* BABYgirl 11:38 PM

Friday, August 14

study week start tmr lol.
start on sat?? wth!!
it's weekend and i need a rest.
battery not fully recharged!!
will be fully recharged soon!!
hahas. =)

Lousy coursework grade!!!
RHT: B+ (i wan A!!)
Macro: B ( i wan A!!)
POM: C+ (sucks!!)
F&B: D (super sucks!!)
IntroHT: mon will know, currently project is A.
Com skill: only know project is B.

knew my f&b results is so sucks
cos i REALLY did BADLY for all the quizzes!!

no not even an A?? lol.
waiting for IntroHT coursework grade on mon 2359.
hope an A or B+. hahas.

and i really need to study hard for finals.
my GOAL!! here i come!!
wait for me!! hahas.

study hard everyone!!
jiayous!! =P

* BABYgirl 8:52 PM

Wednesday, August 5


pom project got C+.
but we submitted late.
so deducted 5 marks & become C.
great man!!
so lousy!!!
i wan at least a B!! =(

actually is deduct 10marks for late submission
but teacher deduct 5m only.
so kind of her.
if not my grp would obtain a D+. lol.

crap. i dun wan this poor results.
but wad to do??
have to study hard for my final,
it order to obtain a B.

fallen asleep whn i reached home till 8pm.
tired. and i wan more sleep.
recharging battery in progress.
hahas. need to be fully charged for exam.

and editing ppl's work is lik throw myself into the sea.
it need so much time and effort to complete editing.
and HELL. i hate editing someone work.
i'll always go crazy editing it.
and my brain dun even wan to function.

* BABYgirl 11:59 PM

Tuesday, August 4

BUT BUT BUT your head ar!!
hahas, i'm crazy.
jus ignore me. =P

case CLOSED!!
but i think i'll back to normal tmr.
as pom tutor wan us to read a report regarding her low marks for peer evaluation.
and i DIDN'T fail her.
jus now a very good grades as you know.

i jus wan to say projects include peer evaluation (on PROJECTS)
not dun take it personal is NOT equal to not giving low marks for peer evaluation.
as you all know, peer evaluation is abt the projects.
not sth personal.

: treat her as classmates but dun talk to her unless no choice which involves my work. BUT it doesnt mean... leave it to fate.
lik i say: u dun "re" me, i wont "re" you. =P

so mind whtever you are doing.
i can tolerate but to a certain limits. hahas.
it need both parties to give in and not one.
jua lik it takes two hands to clap.

Note to SAFFY: sry for all these days tht wasted your time/training. =P
i know you a GOOD girl. =P my good classmates and grp-mate. =0

good news:
got back MACRO portfoilo.
group results B+.
Inidividual B & C+.
so overall is abt B.
good job.
but i wan A!!!!

fianl exam!!! here i come!!! =P

* BABYgirl 9:49 PM


powerpuff girls & mojojojo saving the day from dung rain.

sugar, spice & everything nice.
these are the ingredients to make the perfect little girl.
but mojojojo accidentally add aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa drop of DETERGENT.

ti ti tititititi!!
du du dududududu!!
bum bum bumbumbumbummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!
deee dee dee dee deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

GREAT job done!!! =P

* BABYgirl 1:12 PM

Monday, August 3



* BABYgirl 6:21 PM