* B A B Y girl =D

Tuesday, July 28

ohh crap!! haahs. finished macro today!! happy!! and got back intro grp results. GREAT job!! i'm very happy with my grp results. hardworks paid off with this result. YEAH!! i'm in a good mood. hahas. and tmr macro presentation. lol. hope very thing goes smoothly. hahas. AND i haven study for rht tmr!! shit. and i'm tired le. tmr have to meet grp-mates in sch at 7.30am to practice macro presentation as we didnt practice at all.

off to bed after reading thru another time of the portfolio and editing the ppt and also looking thru comskill ppt. okay. shit. i'm sleep damn late!! gosh!! my neck is hurting now.

PS: pray for my baby to be well and i'll chase the flu away for you!! hahas. =P
okay. my post recently is very wordy. as i'm lazy to upload photos. hahas. shall upload when i'm done with all projects and tests!! hahas. nites ppl.

* BABYgirl 2:03 AM

Sunday, July 26

went out to ion with baby and it's damn big with lot of levels. walked ard and ate japanese food. saw qiudi working at artbox thr. hahas. it's quite some time since i last see her. hahas.

caught a ice age 3 back at yishun ard 7plus. funny and nice. hahas. reached home abt 10plus. hahas. love going out with my baby. love seeing him. hahs. i love you BABY!! muacks. =P

tired and off to sleep.

* BABYgirl 11:00 PM

back to yt at 8plus and met shereen at sch gate. met ms siti and she's busy. went to PA and the guys are not helping the gals in setting up and was scolded by me. hahas. okay. and i saw a new teacher who's ic of PA too. lol. he look lik he dunno wad to do when the choir are practisinf the dance and PA was practically doing nth cos they dun have anything to do. since they haven eat breakfast, i asked jianwei to get 1-2ppl out to buy food and drinks back. hahas. welfare taken care very well by me eh!! hahas. GREAT!! hahas.

went off to sch and meet hx at int. we ta bao mac to sch eat. erach abt 11plus. we surf the net while waiting for pat and ys. ard 12plus. we rushed for our macro till 4plus. and due to the knidhearted us, we sat under the air-conditioning as thr's com for hx to use and the rest of us using our laptop. i feel lik i'm in the freezer man!! gosh!! it's super super cold and i didnt bring cardigan/jacket as i thought we woukd sit outside lt to do. lol. wrong choice!! hahas. went off ard 4plus and off to my aunt's hse. dinner-ed at my hse thr (chong pang). hahas. and we bought drinks and cup noodles for supper. hahas. started our macro editing at 9plus till 4am and hx and pat played games too. gosh!! tat's late. and me and pat cant tahan so we slept and my sis, jasmine slept with us too.

and hx say she looks more girlish den me and she regretted it lik after a min ltr. ahhas., and pat was right saying she's more boylish than me. hahas.

tats the end!! hahas. =P

* BABYgirl 4:15 AM

Saturday, July 25

Damn tired now!! And i'm trying to do my macro on inflation rate. Great man!! And it really take up a lot of time before i could complete and get my sleep. And i will be going back yt to see how pa do for the rehearsal at 8.30am with SHEREEN ONG PEI ZHI (proud to see your name here??). hahas. den need to be in sch for projects at 11am. GREAT!!

i miss shereen!! hahas. my china fieldtrip room-mate!! hahas. i love u!! =P cya you in less than 8hrs time. AND not forgetting MS SITI ZALEHA!! very very long neva see her le. since when?? think since o'lvl end!! so so so long!! i'm missing everyone!!! hahas.

okay. enough of my nonsense!! i'm gonna complete my work before i could get my sleep!! hahas.

AND hui xuan & patricia staying over at my aunt's hse tmr night. looking forward to it. hahas. but we're rushing projects. and not forgetting to play too!! hahas. =P

* BABYgirl 12:30 AM

Friday, July 24

HAPPY 28th MONTHS to my baby!!

* BABYgirl 8:30 AM

Friday, July 17

DAMN PISSED with a so-called grp-mate of mine man!!
1. we missed pom lecture cos we stayed up late to rush projects for consecutive nights till 2plus/3plus.
2. we missed macro & fnb to rush out
3. my grp handed up late for TWO projects today
4. POM will deduct 10marks out of 80marks
(which means my A is gone) wtf.
5. CommSkill almost deducted 50%
6. STRESS LEVEL rising

ppl, tell me how would u feel when your grp-mate jus walked off for lesson when we left 1hr to complete and hand in 2 projects. and we wanted to attend the lesson too. dun you think it's too selfish for her to do tat?? i'm really in a bad mood now. and wad's the use of saying sry when we alrdy did all the shit work??? jus bcos she cried infront of you when she cant explain to pom teacher why we hand up late and u felt guilty?? i dun even think u feel it at all. dun say sry when u dun mean it. it's jus so easy to say the 5-LETTER words out but w/o any meaning to it. so dun act nice by telling wad is tested for fnb when we can ask other ppl. your presences really makes no diff at all.

AND, being blessed by you, our projects marks will be deducted for no reasons when we rushed lik hell editing esp your part whr we took alot of time jus trying to figure out wad u're writing. I SWEAR if you really pissed me off agn. i'll not give face anymore. and be prepared to get all my comments on wad you have done wrong. i'm not trying to scold you but to tell you wad's wrong and hope you'll improve and not drag the entire grp down with you. it's not fair to us when you're not doing your part.

okay, i know this entry is really not the way it shld be. but i'm not going to let it bottled up inside me. so i decided to say it all out here. and i really hope tat someone will get to read this and change. if not everyone else will be suffering bcos of her.

* BABYgirl 11:58 PM

Monday, July 13

i'm lazy to blog. hahas. but still, i wan to blog. hahas. okay. shall stop my crap here. hahas. had my FIRST presentation today. i felt GREAT!! we did our best!! and at least, the teacher is friendly and he still graded us strictly BUT he doesn't make me feel nervous as he's friendly. if it was a super super strict and fierce teacher, i would have screwed up.

photos time:

IntroHT grp-mates.
(Hui Xuan, Joanna, Shermaine, Patricia, Yu Shan & Anna)

candid 1.

candid 2.

candid 3.

Joanna & shermaine.

Joanna, hui xuan, shermaine.

Joanna & hui xuan.

Joanna & hui xuan.

Joanna & Patricia.

Joanna & Yu shan.

Joanna & Anna.

candid 4.

Joanna & cheryl.

funny face. stupid!! lol.

i love tis.
taken in class while waiting for the rest to be back,
so tat we can start our presentation. lol. hahas. =P

and not forgetting my photography, Isabelle. she refuse to take photos!! hahs. =P
enjoy my day to with this bunch of ppl. and IntroHT FINALLY OVER!! yeah!!
went to meet my baby at amk and he send me home. hahas. love to see him even for a while. hahs.

PS: I love my fatty baby lots.

* BABYgirl 7:42 PM