* B A B Y girl =D

Saturday, November 22


went out to play badminton at yishun stadium with sweeyee, angela and her brother. hahas. played from 1-2pm!! after playing, we sat at the court to rest and chatted till 2plus and we left. train-ed back to yishun with sweeyee as it's raining. went yishun interchange to take 800 and sy took 859. went home bathe, change and met my baby. and home sweet home!! =)


first day of work!! went down to the HR at somerset to sign my form at 11.30am. after tat, went to plaza singapura to had my lunch at bk and off to work!! my colleague was pretty friendly. hahas. i'm loving it. some of the clothes thr are pretty nice!! hahas. my baby came to fetch me home from work!! so sweet of him!! hahas. i'm tired!! had not been standing for so long since i last worked!!


work 12-8pm!! ask my baby not to come down cos i know he's very tired cos he has been busy with his work too and he's tired too!! but he insisted. in the end, i convinced him to meet me at yishun to send me home not ps. tat's enough!! hahas. i love him to the max!! hahas. reached yishun and went arcade to find him. bought bubble tea and korean food and home!! thanks baby for sending me home!! hahas. love you super super lots.


today OFF!! wake up early in the morning and went over my aunt's hse. brought jasmine to sch and went to eat kfc breakfast. it's really not bad!! ate the second time. didn't know tat kfc has breakfast until ytd when i went to eat. hahas. after eating, went home to bathe and met yp to go ytss open hse. my intention was to go thr and chat with ms siti and i did!! met up with yp, lh, vernice, aw, qx and daniel in sch. hahas. and chatted with ms siti!! hahas. was alright!! we reached abt noon and left ard 1plus. net mt baby at np straight after tat and he was playing arcade agn. as usual. hahas.

went to bugis and bought two jeans. one dark blue and one near black. hahas. i love it. the size is alright!! jus one thing, it's pretty long!! you know why? cos i'm short!! i'm not even 160 yet!! only pathetic 158/159!! when will i reach 165?? i'm waiting!! i wan grow taller!! but haix. hahas. short mean short. i cant change the fact. hahas. why am i emo-ing?? hahas.

after bugis, went back yishun to meet my mum, aunt and cousin with my baby for dinner and went to jasmine sch to see her perform!! hahas. the show was quite interesting and nice. not bad!! hahas. she was so cute!! she's the only youngest among all the performers. the others are all older than her. and she only joined them after her end of yr exam whr the rest has alrdy started practicing. hahas. nevertheless, she did a great job!! hahas. my baby was the photography for the event. hahas. will upload the photos once i got it from my baby!! nights ppl. gonna go sleep le. tmr working and i'm pretty tired after a long day now!! bye!! =)

* BABYgirl 11:33 PM

Tuesday, November 18

woke up early in the morning by my mum ask need to bring jas to sch den go bugis. reached thr ard 11am. hahas. went shopping ard and i bought a top!! i love it!! met jannah at bugis street at 12plus and went shopping for her jeans and shirt. finally she bought one grey tee. hahas. but not any jeans cos the jeans shop was closed. after tat we went far east plaza to search for job. we shld be at far east SHOPPING CENTER to look for job but not plaza.. somehow jannah thought is the same.. hahas. i also dunno. =) went walking ard and decided to go lucky plaza eat mac!! hahas. after eating mac, it's lik 4.30pm and jannah need to go off to hospital.. so i went back to find my godsis and chatted with her till 6plus and i left.

while waiting for 167 to go home. i received a call from wingtai!! they ask me to work at plaza singapura fox shop!! yeah!! i'm happy.. going to start wokr this thu!! hahas. and i saw mr goh at the bus stop boarding the same bus as me. so we chattig abt my o's, work and PA!! hahas. YTSS open hse is tis coming sat(22nov). think i will be going back in the morning for awhile. okay. bye.blog agn tmr!! =)

PS: i'm missing all my frens. and i hope everyone got a job tat they lik!! cya ppl!! =) take care!!

* BABYgirl 11:34 PM

Monday, November 17

another day is coming to an end!! went out in the afternoon to accompany my baby to yio chu kang driving place for his advanced theory test at 3pm. yes.. i knew he could pass and he did!! good job my baby!! and rmb tat the panda accompanied you thru the test!! hahas. went home to bathe and my baby went back to camp to do some stuffs for his license thingy. bathe, met him and went to his hse for dinner. hahas. stayed thr to watch tv till ard 9 and went downstairs to wait for bus with my baby and peanut(the dog). hahas. peanut is so so so cute!! hahas. she always dashed to my side when she saw me. hahas. so cute!! hahas. met my mum at ,my hse downstairs and bought tibits!! hahs. home sweet home!!

tmr will be waking up early to go bugis with my mum den meet jannah to look for jobs!! hahas. we're in need for job!! help!! =)

PS: i curse the person(RICHARD)!! i curse him to lost his job or bang down by a car as he lie to me regarding the job thingy!! I CURSE HIM!!! okay. i know i'm evil but he shouldn't lie to me in the first place. i hate such person!!! will get ur retributions one day for lying to me!! idiot!! to jannah, angela, marniah, chon mun & ernest: let's curse him for lying to us abt the job event!! curse curse curse!!

* BABYgirl 11:20 PM

Sunday, November 16

hohoho. home sweet home!! hahas. went out in the afternoon to meet my baby at northpoint. went arcade to look for him. after tat we went to buy two cups of bubble tea. although we both wanted to drink peppermint milk tea, he wan pearl and i wan green apple jelly. i dun mind putting both but he doesn't lik the green apple jelly. hahas. anyway, two cups means i can drink more!! hahas. no need to share cos tat my favour!! hahas. went to buy some snacks from a korean stall and hide all the foods and drinks into my bag bag and used the jacket to cover. why?? cos we wan watch movie. went to buy tickets at gv and it's raining heavily and we dashed across the road and got super wat but not till the extend being drench. forst time in my life tat i was really afraid i was bang down by a car cos i was dashing beside my baby w/o looking at cars. thr were lots of cars coming in at tat time. hahas. watched the movie at 4.10pm.

in the theatre, i saw a gal looks lik someone who's same age as me and is an ex-ytzen which is the same badge as me last yr. i not sure is it her but it really looks lik. but it's dark tat time so i not very sure. and wad i was amazed was tat her bf was super old can!! lik an uncle look.. it jus seems lik a father(mayb a little young) and daughter. shall not comment too much on it. and it's too dark for me to see clearly. i wanted to see her face when the show ended but failed as i couldn't find my hp and i thought i lost it.. searched my entire bag and finally found. it was when i realised tat we are the only two person left in the theatre and one guy waiting for us to left before he start cleaning the place. hahas.

watched MADAGASCAR 2: ESCAPE TO AFRICA!! it was a nice movie tat made us laughed throughout the show. so cute!! hahas. after watching, went to my baby hse and played badminton at his hse downstair de court. didn't manage to run as the ground is wet due to the rain. hahas. but i enjoy myself playing with my baby although he keep saying i lousy!! hahas. i'll become a good player next time!! watch out for me!! and i wan go running!!!! so long neva run le!! argh!!

PS: i've not got a job yet. help me!! =( hahas. bye.

* BABYgirl 10:16 PM

Saturday, November 15

today went for a job interview. it's lik assisting the manager in presentation & etc. the interview jus SUCKS!! travelled all the way to eunos. it's the VE group pte ltd, located at mdis building as the mdis sch moved out a yr ago if i rmb correctly. we reached thr ard 3plus and waited for the person. my baby took the time to accompany me thr and i left him outside waiting at the bus stop for 2 hrs!! tat's how long the interview lasted. no it's even longer but i managed to escape before it dragged on. i told a lie tat i'm having an appointment at 6.30pm. hahas. i felt super guilty for making him to wait so long. and thr isn't anything for him to do thr. he was angry with me and the f***ing company. they bring u ard den explain thr products to you. it took almost 1hr. and nth abt wad we gonna do for our job yet. wth. waited for the manager to come and explain the job. but all he explain is only abt the company planning etc.. i was lik wth am i here for? boring. they shld explain to us the job first before even telling us abt their products. if we have the interest we can stay, if not we'll leave. tat's why my baby was so angry abt the company. we quarrel over tis and we jus walked separately. i know it was my fault and i apologised to him for waiting so long. if i were him, i may jus flare up at him and even shout at him when i saw him coming out. i know he's trying to control himself not to flare up but i couldn't stand the face he gave. and the quarrel began!! it's bad okay? i really hate quarrels. i believe nobody lik it.

was alright after we both cool down and the day was back to normal. despite the quarrel we had today, we was having fun jus now. we played viwawa wahjong tgt and we both cheated. we gave each other all the cards we wanted and we kept winning. so we decided to act innocent by saying each other in the game. we say "why i always hit the card out and u will take. wth." etc.. hahas. damn funny la. actual fact, we were talking over the phone for the cards we wanted. hahas. played for 2hrs. now it's time to sleep.

PS: my baby is being good to me!! he helped me to find job by asking his frens even when we were quarrelling. he's not really angry with me!! hahas. he's angry over the waiting. hahas. it was luckily not me. if he made me wait for tat long doing nth, tis quarrel will last longer and it'll be lik hell!! hahas. i'm not a good temper person too. hahas. he knows my temper very well. hahas. =)

tmr going to meet my baby for some exercising. i'm getting fatter and it's time to lose some FATS!!! hahas. bye.

* BABYgirl 11:55 PM

Friday, November 14

the celebration of 4 birthday girls (scorpio): angela(29oct), lina(31oct), me(2nov) & eugenia(15 nov). hahas. we decided to celebrate tgt after our o's. hahas. let's the photo tell you all!!

[while eating take 1]

[while eating take 2]

[the group who went for steamboat buffet]

[finally placed one prawn in]

[she's so scare of the prawn]

[sara kong. the girl who peel the prawn for everyone of us. thanks.]

[the live prawn take 1. the prawn tat we all are scare of cos it's alive and jumping ard towards us. and we were shouting lik mad when the prawn started dancing ard. ppl ard us had free show and they are laughing at us.]

[the live prawn take 2]

[the live prawn take 3]


[pj, lina, angela, sara]

[genia, sy, ame, cy & me]

[say cheese]

[the extremely long queue tat we saw after eating. tis is only part of it cos i couldn't take all. it's too long tat's why. heng we booked early the day before.]

[chin huat live seafood. the place we had our steamboat]

[the place we had our steamboat]

[christmas is coming]

[outside velocity]

[talking. is chuyi demonstrating some facial stuffs?? hahas.]

[enjoying themselves? lol]

[the slipper we saw at novena. it's cute with the smiling face thr]

[the bdae girl take 1]

[the bdae girls. from right to left. angela(29oct), lina(31oct), me(2nov) & eugenia(15 nov)]

[they are dancing while singing song]

[tired. resting]

[lina & joanna]

[lina & joanna]

[peijing & joanna]

[joanna & peijing]

[sara & joanna]

[i'm taller than sara. i'm so happy!!]

[joanna & angela]

[joanna & swee yee]

[gossiping session??]

[wad are they trying to do??]

[chuyi & joanna]

[joanna & amelia]

[eugenia & joanna take 1]

[eugenia & joanna take 2]

[group photo take 1. photographer: joanna]

[group photo take 2. photographer: joanna]

[group photo take 3. photographer: joanna]


[busy eating & pouring the honey]

[amelia helping to make the food into smaller portion]

[chuyi eating the gui ling gao]

[me & my beloved panda take 1]

[take 2]

[take 3]

[laughed when i realize tat i got tricked by lina tat she took so many shot. she kept saying "sry, it's blur, take agn". lol]

[the group photo at novena take 1]

[the group photo at novena take 2]


[opening present time]

[lina trying to take her present out]

[laughing scene]

[opening the present]

[eugenia with her present]

[lina with her present]

[peijing. taken by sara]

[amelia. taken by sara]

[swee yee. taken by sara]

[chuyi. taken by sara]

[i'm still a small kid. sara, i neva snatch from the kid. i come first.]

[the korean shop tat i bought my panda water bottle at]

[the panda water bottle i bought]

[see tat? it's make with recylce materials. it's my name but short of an A behind.]

[on the escalator. photographer: joanna]

[reflection 1 in the japanese shop]

[reflection 2 in the japanese shop]

[sara kong. thr's a purpose for the jacket to be thr. only we know. hahas. it's real funny if u know. hahas.]

[she got trick by us. the only gal who went in but the rest was outside. hahas. so funny]

[caught in action. drinking in the train station. i'm going to report. joking]

[angela & sara]

[angela trying to kiss sara]

[reflection 1]

[reflection 2]

[in the train going back home. photography: joanna.]

[chuyi & lina talking in the train]

[the bdae present by my friends. thanks for the present ppl!!]

[okay. cant see cos it's blur. the brand is TOOT. so nice!! i love the brand name!!]

photos at ms zara's wedding on 8 november 2008. =) sry for the late posting cos the camera wasn't with me. hahas.

[sara with the rose]

[amelia & eugenia]

[the stage]

[group photo]

[nicole, joanna, amelia & peijing]

[the innocent peijing dunno wad's happening]

[peijing, eugenia, amelia, lina & nicole]

[joanna & sara take 1]

[joanna & sara take 2]

[the fish pond at sembawang cc]

[qiu di & joanna]

[joanna & chuyi]

[wad's sara doing?]

[eugenia & joanna]

[jessie ong & joanna]

[joanna & sweeyee]

[joanna & lina]

[joanna & amelia chan]

[joanna & nicole voon]

[joanna & peijing take 1]

[joanna & peijing take 2]

[presenting you the bride]

[ the gals from class 5na2'08 with our co-from, ms zara. opps. it's no longer ms. is mrs zara. hahas.]

[the gals at ms zara's wedding. class 5na2'08]

[chuyi is simply too tired]

ppl, i've uploaded the photos for today and i owe you some photos on ms zara wedding. hahas. i really enjoy myself today with my friends. we had a fun & memorable day tat i'll neva forget. thanks for the present. i believe we enjoy the outing today and we had a sumptuous meal. i'm super super full after eating. omg. and we decided to take a walk at novena to digest the food. hahas. went home after tat. bye. blog agn next time. =) take care ppl. i had a great day!!

* BABYgirl 11:55 PM